Inventory value

My kids are so cute…they have been doodling on my iPad again 🙂

The second doodle is mine.  I got to it after thinking  about how inventory would be easy to visualise as a time series to see variation over days when comparing by months. I originally drew it turned by 90 degrees with the lines running up the page distinguishing day of the month from 1 to 28/30/31 then each line being a consecutive month.  Then I thought it was a shame that we didn’t have this data for inventory historically where we are now at a daily level as we could then see more detailed variation.  Then I thought about how the work Im doing needs to stay on the rails and how the consultants we are working with havent worked with sap before – you can tell.  I then smiled and thought how Christina would eat this for breakfast.  I thought his interesting it might be to see this simply as filtered lines based on movement types.  Then I thought it would be interesting to keep the circle idea and have them size by value or volume and colour the lines by either movement type or product type/attribute. Then I criticised my self for wanting to be the one to drive the visualisations instead of expressing the requirement: identification (see), understand and systematically reduce variation using defined method(s) (manage).  I hen was reminded that this is an organisational journey as I’ve been told that people don’t have skills (that’s what I bring) so we need to teach them ways to challenge and act on data. We need an organisation that can critically identify opportunities for reduction in variation (remember alternatives are crossing the streams and joining them too to reduce variation).  I then thought about how every bodies picture would be different and I bumped again into learning styles and wondering what knowledge already exists to help us find the way to coalesce the most helpful visualisations for all.  I want the analyst to have unlimited potential.  I need them to back door access that data with desktop.  I want them to have workshops with experts in the tool and I don’t think our current partner are it but they’ll do for now.  I thought about Consider the trial basis to prove to Barry the worth of his people.  I thought about Figure out the possible ways of getting virtual creativity come to life.  I remembers that I really want to create and use the strategy and tactic tree for supply chain analytics.  I’m amazed at how many thoughts stream out as I haven’t captured all of them and this triggered off one picture too !  But it s all good food for thought.  Then I realised that we have to see reason.  We can be agile but we can’t be divergent at this stage at the risk of delivering to time, unless our boss on this one wants the timelines to slip. I’m observing slippage as a direct result of people’s thinking being diverted in other directions than the converging path that we are now on.  We also have another project that has to be delivered and already has significant investment contained within it our requirements up until this time.  We also must contain the manual feeds as it drives risks I calculated risk on Hyperion.  It is a one feed that is monthly.  We are just on the cusp of blame storming and diverting energy into a blame game.  Which is good for nobody in the room for many obvious reasons.  The scope has been changing and if the time is the bounding factor and overspend is not an option them we hold scope tightly and deliver that first.  If ark can’t give us clear requirements at this stage then we have to rethink based on how much resource hours we have burnt to date and how much we have left to burn.  Also I need to remind ark that we have no costs based on return storage as the quoted storage was small.  

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