change of gear

I’ve found myself hard at work moving from the health care sector towards manufacturing.  To the teams that I worked with inside the NHS trusts I am amazed at how much they do manage to get done – considering the management construct they are forced to work in!
Looking forward our manufacturing industry just might be the next most exciting place to be, after Lords on the next occaision that Australia wallop the POMS and return the ashes to their rightful owners…

Making money for our industries in the UK just might be getting easier.  If we settle manufacturing for those industries back into the UK; with the right vision and the right focus on getting the right results.

And me personally, I’ll be there seeing how I can help make that difference – by working as part of a group that use tools that get the best results and by seeing how I can help more kids get interested in design to manufacture in our country (bugger….I am turning into a POM – I just said “our” country!).

So wishing you a continued happiness and health in 2011.  Hope the year, is bringing you all you had planned for.

Warm regards




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